Saturday, August 28, 2010

Home recipes for all hair types

Herbal remedies have a side effect free solution even for your hair texture and health.To give your hair a great shine and help remove soap build up.

Blondes — Add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice to your rinse water. Brunettes and Redheads — Add a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your rinse water.Stir 1 teaspoon honey into 4 cups (1 quart) warm water. After shampooing, pour mixture through hair. Do not rinse out. Dry as normal.

Fruit Smoothie Hair Mask

Blend 1/2 a banana, 1/4 cantaloupe, 1/4 avacado, 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil and 1 tablespoon yogurt. For extra conditioning, squeeze in the contents of a vitamin E capsule. Leave in hair for 15 minutes.

Olive oil Hair Mask (Honey)

Mix 1/2 cup honey and 3 tablespoons olive oil. Work a small amount at a time through hair until coated. Cover hair with a shower cap; leave on 30 minutes. Shampoo well and rinse.

Dandruff Treatment

Boil 7 heaping tablespoons dried thyme in 2 cups water for 10 minutes. Strain and cool. Pour 1/2 mixture over clean, damp hair. Massage into scalp, do not rinse. Use the rest of the solution another day.

Yogurt Hair Mask

Beat 1 egg white until foamy. Add to 6 tablespoons plain natural yogurt. Apply to hair in small sections at a time. Leave in for 15 minutes. Rinse.

Egg & Olive Oil Hair Mask

Mix two whole eggs with four tablespoons of olive oil. Smooth through hair. Wrap head with plastic wrap, and leave in hair for 10 minutes. Rinse well.

Homemade Conditioners

The recipes below are from Mayonnaise is a great conditioner for dry hair. Depending on the length of your hair, apply approximately 1/2 cup of mayonnaise to your dry hair. Work into hair really well and then cover your hair with a plastic bag, allowing to set for about 15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and then shampoo as usual.

In a blender or food processor, combine 2 1/2 tablespoons dried milk, 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil, and 1 egg. Apply evenly to hair and let set for at least an hour. Shampoo and style as usual.

Hair Setting Lotions

Try dissolving a teaspoon of gelatin in a cup of warm water and use this as a setting lotion before styling hair. You can use this as a liquid or chill it and use it as a gel.

Dissolve 1 teaspoon sugar in 1 cup warm water and apply to damp hair before styling.

Combine 4 tablespoons olive oil and 2 tablespoons honey in a glass jar with a lid and shake until well blended. Let mixture sit for 3 to 4 days, and shake it occasionally. Rub mixture evenly into dry hair and wrap hair in plastic wrap, letting set for at least an hour. Shampoo as usual.

Mix together 2 tablespoons vegetable oil and 1 egg. Apply to hair and let set for about an hour. Shampoo as usual.

To help a flaky scalp, warm 2 to 3 tablespoons vegetable oil in the microwave (make sure it’s not too hot!) and then gently apply to scalp with cotton balls. Let set for at least an hour and then shampoo as usual.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Herbal Repellent Oil

Herbal Repellent Oil

1 part fresh pennyroyal
1 part fresh thyme
1/2 part fresh basil
1/2 part neem leaf (if available)
tea tree essential oil
citronella essential oil
olive oil

Pick your fresh herbs. Manually remove any dirt then set them in a sunny place until the herbs are wilted.

Using 1/4 cup as your part, measure 1/4 cup of pennyroyal and thyme, and 1/8 cup basil and neem leaf into a crock pot. Pour in enough olive oil to cover the herbs plus another inch of oil (approximately 1 cup). Turn the crock pot on low temperature and heat the herbs for about 3 hours. An alternative way to prepare your oil extraction is to place the herbs in a clear glass jar and set it in the sun for about five days. Shake it once or twice a day.

When you have finished heating your oil, strain your oil through a cheesecloth lined strainer. Squeeze out as much oil as possible. Measure out how much oil you now have. For each ounce of oil add 10 drops of citronella essential oil and 5 drops of tea tree oil.

Pour into lotion bottle and label.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Know Your Vegetables - CELERY


A delicious crunchy finger food, great for dips. It is high in magnesium and iron. High in chlorophyll which is an excellent blood builder. One of the richest sources of organic sodium. This is excellent for those who enjoy vigorous workouts, maintaining valuable body fluid and electrolytes.
Celery juice is a superb nerve tonic. Celery juice alone tastes bitter and is usually mixed with carrots or apples. Great for adding a salty taste to vegetable juices.
Do you have a headache? Drink a glass of celery juice. Even the ancient Greeks used celery for the universal problem of headaches.
Do you live in the inner city full of air pollution? Celery apple juice is able to cleanse the body of carbon dioxide.
Were you thinking of buying an air conditioner? Celery juice cools down the body and is great for hot weather.
Are you on a diet and craving a snickers bar?Celery juice helps curb the craving for sweets.
Do you have a problem with muscle cramps and fatigue during workouts? The potassium sodium balance in celery juice will be a great asset.
Always keep celery leaves on. Leave celery until last when juicing because it is stringy and clogs the juice machine. Look for firm solid stocks with bright green leaves.

Know you vegatable - CARROTS


Deep within the soils of the earth grows a golden root that has amazed nutritionists and scientists alike in its powerful healing qualities. One 8 oz. glass of carrot juice contains 20,000 mg. of vitamin A. Toxicity can occur when vitamin A is taken in supplement form or fish oil, but is completely safe in the vegetable form. Vitamin A is an antioxidant that is able to attach to free radicals in the body, stopping them in their tracks. The damaging effect of free radicals has been associated with cancer.

Carrots are a natural blast of high energy. The sugars are released more quickly than from white sugar but without the harmful effects. A mug of carrot juice in the morning will give you a competitive edge over coffee drinkers. Like all root vegetables, they are packed with minerals. Carrots are rich in organic calcium that is invaluable to bones and teeth. Inorganic calcium is almost useless to the body. The calcium in milk and white bread is inorganic and known to cause arthritis and gallstones. Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin C, including most of the B complex, iron, potassium, phosphorus, and sodium.Carrots are easy to digest and cause the liver to release bile and excessive accumulated cholesterol. They also have an alkalizing effect on the blood, soothing the entire nervous system and toning intestinal walls.

Carrot juice is the best base for vegetable juice combinations. It is delicious, sweet and readily accepted by children. Our family can go through a 50 lb. bag every two weeks.

Carrot juice is considered the Golden Juice of Healing. Even drinking a few glasses a day has healed many infirmities without fasting. During fasting, its healing effect is increased. Carrot juice helps in cleansing the liver. Drinking large amounts may cause the harmless effect of a slight yellowish color of the skin. Skin will feel velvety soft. The beta carotene present in the skin is a natural protector for the common skin cancer, melanoma. It also assists in tanning, which hides some of the obvious effects of being on a long juice fast.Juicing two to five pounds of carrots a day is standard for juice fasting. Unless carrots are fresh, the juice tastes better if they are peeled. If you don’t have the time to peel them, put the carrots in the sink and scrub with a brush.In purchasing carrots for juicing, your local vegetable wholesaler can supply you with large juicing carrots in 50 lb. bags at an affordable price.

should be firm, smooth skinned, without cracks or small rootlets. The brighter the orange the sweeter the carrots. They will keep for weeks in the refrigerator and months in a root cellar.

TIP: Carrots can keep up to a year when stored in sand in a root cellar.

Know your vegetable - CABBAGE


A vegetable full of history. It was a mainstay during the great depression, but unfortunately was often overcooked and garnished with fat. Cooking cabbage destroys most of its nutritious value and causes gas because of the sulfur. Raw is an excellent source of beta-carotene, sulfur, vitamin C and the trace mineral, selenium which is excellent for fighting cancer, protecting against heart disease, improving conditions of arthritis, slowing the aging process, giving beautiful skin and increasing male potency. Within cabbage is a delicate amino acid called glutamine which is excellent for healing stomach disorders including ulcers. When making cabbage juice, it must be consumed within 60 seconds or this precious amino acid will begin to decay. If straight cabbage juice causes gas, mix with carrot and celery.Look for heavy firm hard heads. (not advisable when shopping for a husband) Will keep up to two weeks in the refrigerator.

Know your vegetable - ASPARAGUS

Available in early spring. Can be expensive due to difficulty in cultivating. Its claim to fame is the amino acid aspargagine which is destroyed by cooking. Aspargagine is astrong diuretic, stimulating the kidneys.
Asparagus is a great blood cleanser and excellent for healthy bowel maintenance. Some even find that it soothes a nervous mind. You may find your urine turning dark and develop a strong odor. This is a harmless byproduct of asparagus. Asparagus contains beta-carotene, vitamins B1 and C, bioflavinoids, potassium, and vitamin C.
Whether large or small, asparagus is equally good. Fresh, it will be bright green and firm to the tip. Will keep a couple of days in the refrigerator. Excellent to juice with carrots.

Know your vegetable - BROCCOLI


Broccoli is a flower top picked before it blooms. It is dense in nutrition, full of beta carotene and an excellent source of fiber. Inexpensive and available all year round. It is full of vitamins B1 and C and has a generous amount of calcium, sulfur and potassium. Surprisingly, forty-five percent of calories in broccoli is protein. The National Cancer Institute discovered a substance called inderol-3 that emulsifies estrogen, reducing the risk of breast cancer in women. Broccoli is excellent when juiced, stems and all, but like all green vegetables, it should be mixed with lighter juices such as carrot or apple.

When buying broccoli, look for tight tops with no yellow, firm but not limp. Will store well for 5 days in the refrigerator.

Know your vegetable - BEETS


Famous for their ability to cleanse the blood. Beets contain calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, choline, beta-carotene and vitamin C.Beets are also high in minerals which strengthen the liver and gall bladder, and are the building blocks for blood corpuscles and cells. Beet greens are excellent for salads and juicing. Beet greens good source of carotenoids which help in the prevention of all types of cancers. They are high in manganese which is an important mineral for brain function.

Beet juice is very concentrated. Do not drink it alone. Dilute with a milder juice such as carrot or apple. Beet juice has been proven therapeutic in the treatment of leukemia and cancer.In a clinical trial, 22 patients with advanced inoperable cancers were given 10 oz. of beet juice daily over 3 to 4 months. Twenty-one of these patients showed marked improvement in health. Beets cause the stool to turn red and may even give the urine a reddish tinge. When juicing beets, alternate between pieces of beets and pieces of carrots, otherwise the beet pulp tends to build up on the side of the spinning extraction basket and causes the juicer to vibrate.

Lactofermented beet juice is fermented with lacto bacillus, making it sweeter. On a juice fast, this delicious juice is like a bottle of Champagne. Purchase firm, rock-hard beets. Being a root, they can be stored for months in the refrigerator.

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