Monday, December 12, 2011

Home hair removal remedies

In places where you have sensitive skin, it inadvisable to use temporary methods like depilatory creams or waxing , so many use home remedies for hair removal. The effectiveness of these methods is not checked by scientific studies, but these methods have been used for centuries

A) Make a paste of yogurt + besan (gram flour) + haldi (turmeric).

B) Rub the paste gently on the area with hair and leave it for 15-20 minutes till the paste is dried. Then rub the paste away in the direction opposite to the hair growth. Apply baby oil to soothe the skin

C) Instead of the besan + turmeric paste, turmeric alone can be applied but besan tightens the skin when dried. Yoghurt/curds can be substituted by milk. If you have oily skin, water or rose water should be used instead of curd and milk. To reduce yellowness of the skin, facial turmeric (Kasturi manjal or Gopuram Turmeric powder) should be used instead of food turmeric.The turmeric+besan paste method of hair removal has to be followed regularly for a period of a few months before it is effective. It is used on babies and small children as conventional hair removal methods are very harsh

Another variation of the paste

D) Ingredients: Haldi Powder - 1/4 Tablespoon, Papaya Powder 1/4 Tablespoon, Besan 1/4 Tablespoon, Mustard oil 2 Tablespoon, AloeVera Gel( Thin) 4 Tablespoon, Lavender or other Essential Oil 2 drops.The paste should be applied in the opposite direction to hair growth. Should be applied thrice a week for 3 months to be effective.

A lot of hair removal methods require the use of harsh chemicals, but there are some natural remedies for removing unwanted hair. Shaving and plucking can be considered natural remedies, so far as they do not require the use of chemicals. Here are some other natural remedies for body hair removal and facial hair removal.

E) Hair can be bleached with lemon juice and chamomile tea.

F) A rough stone (like a pumice stone) can be used to remove hair by causing friction.

G) Apply a mask of a paste made of sugar, lemon and water in the direction of hair growth. Rinse after 10-15 minutes. Apply twice a week.

H) Apply a mask of a mixture of 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice and 4 teaspoons honey in the direction of hair growth. Rinse after 10-15 minutes. Apply twice a week.

I) To turn hair golden brown, apply before bedtime a paste of 2 teaspoon fresh lime juice and ½ teaspoon sugar, 3-4 times a week for 2 months.

J) Mix turmeric powder with milk and apply on the face. Scrub it off slowly moving your fingers in circular motion, and then wash with cold water.

K) Blend one egg white with 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1/2 tablespoon of corn flour until it becomes a sticky paste. Apply the mixture to your face. When it dries gently peel it off. Repeat this 3-4 times a week.

L) For Legs hair removal, Mix well ground white pepper with camphor and a few drops of kerosene. Apply on the legs and leave for a 10-15 minutes. The hair will fall off.

M) Body hair removal Kind of Body Sugaring,Apply a besan (gram flour, chana flour) haldi turmeric powder paste. Take 75% besan and 25% haldi. i.e. for 3 tsp of besan mix 1 tsp of haldi. Both the ingredients are available from Indian grocery stores.After sometime when it starts to dry, scrub it off gently. This would gradually reduce body hair over a period of time.

N) Massage the baby with almond oil or any other oil.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

10 essential foods for female health

10 essential foods for female health

A varied, balanced diet is the cornerstone of healthy living for everyone, yet healthy eating can sometimes mean different things depending on your gender. While there are some foods we should all be eating more of, men and women also have their own set of dietary requirements as well as their own unique health concerns. Here are ten foods all women should eat.
Butternut squash

Butternut squash — like many other yellow/orange fruit and vegetables — is packed with carotenoids such as alpha-carotene and beta-carotene. While carotenes should be included in everybody's diet for optimum health, they may prove essential to women's health as a high-carotenoid diet has been linked to lowered risks of both breast and ovarian cancer.

Another vibrant carotenoid beneficial for women's health is lycopene, a pigment found in tomatoes. Studies have suggested that lycopene may be effective in preventing breast cancer. Furthermore, there has been considerable evidence to suggest that the powerful antioxidant can help reduce risk of heart disease — the leading cause of death in women in the US, Australia, England and Wales.

Flax Seeds
Flax seeds are a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids and have been linked to reduced risk of breast cancer and heart disease. The seeds' anti-inflammatory properties are also good for preventing arthritis, while their digestive benefits can help irritable bowel syndrome; two painful conditions which are more prevalent in women than men.

Salmon has a multitude of positive health benefits for women. Not only is it rich in iron — which is integral to the diets of premenopausal women — but it is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, known for their mood-enhancing effects. Studies have suggested that omega-3 can help beat depression (something that affects twice as many women as men) and prevent mood swings, while salmon can also boost babies' intelligence when eaten during pregnancy.

Various studies have suggested strong links between consuming cranberries and reduced risks of breast cancer and heart disease. However, the most notorious benefit of cranberries is their ability to prevent and cure urinary tract infections such as cystitis, which is eight times more likely to occur in women than men. One study suggests that drinking two glasses of cranberry juice a day can prevent the symptoms of common UTIs in women.

Spinach is rich in many different vitamins and minerals, but one thing that makes it great for women is its high content of magnesium. Research has shown that magnesium may be beneficial in reducing many of the physical symptoms of PMS which plague women, including reduction of swelling, breast tenderness, bloating and weight gain.

Figs are a great health food, containing many vital minerals and vitamins as well as contributing to your daily portions of fruit and veg. Two minerals found in figs that are particularly beneficial to women's health are iron, which is often deficient in menstruating women, and calcium, which is important for post-menopausal women, who are more prone to osteoporosis.

Milk is a great source of calcium, which is extremely beneficial to women's health, particularly when combined with vitamin D (found in some varieties of milk and many fortified milk products). Consumption of the combined nutrients is not only good for warding off osteoporosis, but a study has suggested that a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D could ease, or even prevent, symptoms of PMS.

Oats are literally packed with health-boosting nutrients, many of which have great impacts on female health. Oats are not only great for heart health, digestion and blood pressure levels (with hypertension affecting many women over 50), but they contain vitamin B6, which can help prevent PMS and mood swings, and folic acid, which is important for women to consume before and during pregnancy to prevent birth defects in babies.

While all nuts are great for our health, walnuts have many great individual benefits for women. A study has recently found that walnuts, which are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and phytosterols, may help to reduce women's risk of developing breast cancer, while their high omega-3 content may also help bone health, arthritis pain and depression. Walnuts also contain many nutrients essential for female health, such as calcium, magnesium and folic acid.

Source : Realbuzz

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Best Vitamins and Herbs to Boost Sexual Health for Men and Women

Best Vitamins and Herbs to Boost Sexual Health for Men and Women

Rhodiola Rosea
This plant, which grows in the arctic region, has shown great promise in boosting a couples mojo. Studied extensively at Columbia University, researchers have found evidence that the herb can enhance sexual desire, energy, performance, and orgasm in both men and women. Other studies suggest that the herb can also help some men prolong stamina. And for women, Rhodiala Rosea may counteract some of the unpleasant side effects of menopause. This herb is commonly found at any health store in tablet form and no side effects or prescription interactions have been reported.

Ginseng, which works in ways similar to Ginko Biloba (see below), increases blood flow through a man's lower extremities, but it has also shown promise in helping women boost their desire, performance, energy, and orgasm. This is most likely due to affecting the dopamine system, which is the complex system of the brain that researchers believe triggers sex drive. More than half of all men and women in studies with Ginseng report an improvement of "being in the mood" more often. In general, ginseng has been found to be perfectly safe for use, except in pregnant or breastfeeding women, because of its estrogen-like effects. The only other common effect from its use is producing excitability, but that's exactly what we're after here!

Maca (Peruvian Ginseng)
Better known as "Peruvian Ginseng," this herb grows in the high-altitude areas of Peru. The Incas have passed down the stories of the roots legendary powers for generations. Maca is known for improving lust and orgasm in both men and women, and for having a, shall we say, Viagra-like effect. Used to give ancient Peruvian warriors added strength in battle, it was also kept away from women while the warriors were away (perhaps for fear of what might transpire while they were gone?). This herb has shown fairly consistent findings in animals and humans to increase stamina and libido in both genders, as reported by Discovery Health. So far there have been no cases of toxicity in this herb, which makes it relatively safe to take by just about anyone.

Horny Goat Weed
Just as its name implies, horny goat weed is a leafy, high-altitude plant which has long been believed to, er, boost the libido. For men in particular, this herb is believed to play a role in the correction of erectile dysfunction, or ED. The problem with the herb is that it appears to be inconsistent in its commercial preparation, which means if you get a bad batch, it won't do what it is supposed to. This herb can be most easily digested in tea form and has no known side effects when taken in this fashion.

Kava has a highly researched and documented ability to calm the nerves and reduce stress in both men and women. One of the most common causes of poor libido and sexual dissatisfaction is anxiety, tension, and other stress-related issues caused by relationships, work, or even the thought of the sexual performance in itself. For many men, it only takes one time for their tool to fail them, and they won't be able to let that moment go in their mind. It will continue to effect them long after, causing them to develop what would appear to be a form of ED. The mind is a very powerful tool for improving health, but it can also be a factor in our own self-induced sexual dysfunctions if we let it. While Kava can help sexual dysfunction caused by self-induced mental issues, it will not show much, if any improvement, over an actual diagnosed case of ED. You may have heard of this supplements questionable legal status, but it is currently legal in most major countries, except for Canada and France, who just don't know what they're missing!

This amino acid has been called a Viagra substitute for men and women. It works in both sexes by boosting the amount of blood flow through those whoopee-making organs. The increased blood flow for the man will offer him a longer, stronger erection, while for the woman it can aid in heightened stimulation. Men can take L-Arginine in herbal pill form, while many women report the best results are achieved by applying a cream directly where it counts.

Vitamin E
Some like to call vitamin E the "sex vitamin." It gets this name for a couple of reasons. One, vitamin E has been said to aid in the production of sex hormones, which aids in attraction, desire, and mood. Two, it prevents age and disease, which of course indirectly boosts the longevity of anyone's sexual lifestyle. Some women prefer to use Vitamin E as a lubricant during sex to heighten their experience considerably. Always make sure that the Vitamin E will not reduce the effectiveness of a condom, if using one, as latex is prone to disintegrate with certain oil-based lubricants.
Best for Men Only

Ginkgo Biloba
Many men know about the supposed boosting effects of Ginko Biloba in the bedroom, but initial studies recognized Ginko Biloba for its ability to improve circulation and memory in adults. If you take these same findings and apply them to the man with ED, we can see how the increased circulation could theoretically produce a stronger erection. The same chemical, nitric oxide, which is stimulated by the Ginko Biloba to relax the artery walls in the circulatory system, is also known to boost blood flow through the man's tofu dog. All technical scientific jargon aside, it basically works like Viagra. The most popular way to add this herb to your diet is through pill or caplet form.
Best for Women Only

DHEA, known by its full name as Dehydroepiandrosterone, may not exactly be a natural herb or vitamin, but it is a hormone naturally produced by the adrenal glands. DHEA, which can now be purchased directly over the counter, can be used by women experiencing age-related decreases in the hormone. It has been shown in studies to be a powerful tool in reestablishing sexual desire. A 50 mg dosage was recommended by the New England Journal of Medicine back in September of 1999. In some circles DHEA has even been called the equivalent of what Viagra should be for women. The use of this supplement should be discussed with your doctor before experimenting, as there is a slight possibility for risk of heart attack, breast cancer, and unwanted hair growth (it is a male hormone after all). So, if you want good sex using DHEA, you may have to put up with more shaving and spending increased amounts of time in the tool section at Sears!
Why Aren't the Health Benefits of These Supplements Listed on Labels?

The reason you will never find any of these claims on the bottle of one of these supplements, is that the FDA does not allow for non-prescription supplements to advertise health benefits. Why? One of the biggest problems with over the counter supplements is poor standardization and regulation, which basically refers to the fact that no two manufactures use the same method of extraction and potency level in their product. This is why it is always a good idea to research a manufacturer before choosing their product.

A Word on Your Safety
While there is evidence out there that suggests these supplements can help improve sexual function, they should not be used to self-medicate a problem that you should bring to your doctors attention. Keep in mind that while these supplements are "natural," they still interact with your body and can react with other prescription drugs. If in doubt of whether a particular supplement mentioned here is safe for you, discuss it with your doctor before trying it.

Source planetgreen.discovery.

Fruits and their benefits - Strawberry | Apple | Figs | Peaches


Along with the other berries, the luscious strawberry has high nutritional content and great cleansing properties. It is very rich in potassium, natural sugars, vitamins and mineral elements. It has high water content that ranges from 80-90 per cent, which helps in cleansing the entire system.

It has many medicinal properties and is especially beneficial for the intestinal tract, liver, kidneys and the heart. It is supposed to cure rheumatic disorders. It must be eaten in large quantities during the winter in order to prevent tuberculosis and anaemia.

It also works as a good beauty aid for the complexion, skin disorders, acne and even sunburns. It is also a valuable dentifrice as it prevents tartar and strengthens gums and teeth. Externally, you could use this fruit to heal old wounds, sore eyes and ulcers.


Ever heard of a peach complexion. Peach is rich in potassium, calcium and sodium. It has 88 per cent water content and is a good thirst-quencher. It is also an excellent digestive because of its strong alkaline reaction on the body. In fact if you eat the fruit along with its skin, every night before bedtime, it can cure chronic constipation.

The peach has good laxative properties and is a good natural cleanser for the kidney and bladder. This fruit carries natural iron to the blood, which is then organized in vegetable cells and quickly assimilated. If you eat plenty of peaches, you are bound to feel energetic, light and fresh throughout the year.


There was person who drank nothing but pomegranate juice for three days. On the third day, the person found a tapeworm come out in the stools. Yes, the pomegranate is a wonderful fruit with some amazing medicinal and curative properties. It is very light on the stomach and easy to digest. But most importantly it is an excellent heart tonic.

It has 77 per cent water content and is extremely rich in sodium, vitamin A, B and C. It contains glucose, fructose, tannins and oxalic acid. It provides sufficient amount of minerals to the liver and assimilates vitamin A from our food intake. It increases resistance towards tuberculosis and tones up the heart, liver and kidneys. It is also known to relieve hypertension, mental tension and hysteria.

It is not just the fruit, but also the bark of the tree, its roots, leaves, flowers, rind and seeds that are found to be of great medicinal value. The dry powder made from its buds is used to cure diarrhoea as well as nose bleeds. And the juice of the fruit is excellent for digestive disorders. You can use the leaf to heal wounds and cuts. Its rind can be used as a toothpaste or gum powder.


The soft and sweet fig is a rich source of sugar, protein, fat and carbohydrate. The dry fig is also highly nutritious. And when taken with milk, it helps to prevent protein deficiencies. It is especially beneficial for growing children as it provides them with the required amounts of calcium, iron, phosphorus and minerals. It is also a natural tonic, which enhances energy and vitality.

It has some immense curative properties and is extremely beneficial for curing constipation, piles, phlegmatic cough and urinary diseases. It has been used to treat boils from time immemorial, or at least more than 2,000 years ago. It is also recommended during pregnancy in order to avoid long labour and general weakness after childbirth.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away. It certainly does. Its high vitamin and mineral content boosts the immune system. It also enriches body skin and hair. The mineral called Pectin, is found in large amounts in an apple. It is the same element that is found in antidiarrheal drugs.

The peel of the apple is extremely rich in vitamin A, whereas the actual fruit contains vitamin C, B-1, B-2, B-6, folic and pantothenic acid. You will also find minerals such as potassium and small amounts of copper, magnesium and phosphorus. You can bid good-bye to your coughs, colds and flu, by having an apple a day. Unless, of course, you are in love with a doctor.

Source - India Parenting

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tics (Twitches) in kids - Causes Symptoms and remedies

Tics (Twitches) in kids - Causes Symptoms and remedies

What are tics?

Tics are rapid, repeated muscle twitches, which generally involves eye blinking, forehead wrinkling, facial grimacing ,head turning, or shoulder shrugging. Most tics last only 1 second. Tics usually happen more often when a child is under stress. When a child is relaxed, he will not have as many tics. Tics are 3 times more common in boys than girls.

Cause for tics?

There has not been a sure study to know the exact cause of tics. Geberally Genetics and neurochemical differences may play the largest role in its cause. Tics can be made worse through the spilling over of emotional tension. Children do not do them on purpose. Children who have tics are usually normal, bright, and sensitive.

How long will they last?

If tics are ignored, they usually disappear in 2 months to 1 year. If extra effort is made to help your child relax, they usually improve more quickly. Even if the tics are not ignored and a child continues to feel stress or pressure, the tics usually improve or clear spontaneously during adolescence. Approximately 3% of children with tics develop incapacitating tics. They need additional behavior therapy and some require medication.

How can I help my child?

• Help your child relax in general and maintain self-esteem.
Make sure your child has free time and fun time every day. If your child is overscheduled with activities, try to lighten the commitments. If your child is unduly self-critical, praise him more and remind him to be a good friend to himself.
• Identify and remove specific environmental stresses.
Whenever your child has a flurry of tics, write in a diary the date, time, and preceding event. From this diary, you should be able to identify when your child feels pressure. (Note: Your child should not know that you are keeping this diary.)

In general, criticize your child less about grades, music lessons, sports, keeping his room clean, table manners, and so forth. Avoid stimulant medications (such as decongestants), which can lower the threshold for tics.
• Ignore tics when they occur.
When your child is having tics, don't call his attention to them. Reminders imply that they are bothering you. If your child becomes worried about the tics, then every time they occur, the child will react with tension rather than acceptance. The tension in turn will trigger more tics. Don't allow siblings or others to tease your child about the tics. Be sure that relatives, friends, and teachers also ignore the tics. When tics occur, people should focus on reducing any pressure they may be causing your child.
• Don't talk about tics when they are not occurring.
Stop all family conversation about tics. The less said about them, the less your child will be apprehensive of them. If your child brings up the subject, say something reassuring, such as "eventually your face muscles will learn to relax and the tics will go away."

When should I call my child's health care provider?

Below are few of the observations before one should actually seek a medical help for tics

• The tics interfere with friendships or studies at school.
• The tics involve sounds, words, or profanity.
• The tics involve coughing.
• The tics involve parts of the body other than the head, face, or shoulders.
• The tics become frequent (more than 10 each day).
• The tics have lasted for more than a year.
• The tics are not better after trying this program for 1 month.

Extracts from article by B.D. Schmitt, M.D., author of "Your Child's Health,

Monday, January 24, 2011

Best known Health benefits of an Apple

An apple a day keeps doctors away

Some of most beneficial health benefits of apple

Digestion: Apples being rich in fiber help in digestion. Regular consumption of apples ensures smooth bowel movements and helps in preventing consitipation and stomach disorders.

Anaemia: Apples are useful in treating anaemia as it is rich in apples. Anaemia is the deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood which can increased with the intake of iron rich diet such as apples.

Asthma : Children with asthma who drank apple juice on a daily basis suffered from less wheezing than children who drank apple juice only once per month. Children born to women who eat a lot of apples during pregnancy have lower rates of asthma than children whose mothers ate few apples.

Weakness: Apples are known to remove weakness and add vigour and vitality of weak people. Often patients are given Apples to help them recover fast from their illness. If you want to gain weight, apple should be a part of your diet daily. It also helps in detoxifying the body and improve the overall health.

Dental Care: Eating apples helps in cleaning teeth and gum. It reduces the incidence of cavities in teeth. When you eat apples, the fiber in it cleanses the teeth, while the antiviral properties of the fruit keep bacteria and virus away.

Heart Disease: Apple lowers the level of cholesterol and hence it is beneficial for the heart.

Rheumatism: Patients who are suffering from rheumatism find apples very useful as it aids in the healing process.

Eye Disorders: Apples are believed to make the eyes strong and improve eye-sight. It also helps in treating night blindness.

Skin Care: Pastes of apple and honey, and apple and milk when applied on the skin increase it shine and glow.

Apart from above mentioned Apples also help in treating gout, and dysentery. Recent research has also revealed that apples have chemicals such as flavanoids and polyphenols which can help fight cancers. It is therefore, rightly, said - An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

When you buy apples make sure they are firm. Do not buy apples that have wrinkles as such apples have lost most of their health benefits and nutritional value.

One medium apple contains about 80 calories.

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