Monday, December 9, 2013

Dandruff treatment home remedy

Dandruff is not only irritating but also frustrating. Imagine yourself in between an important meeting with the urge of itching your scalp! Isn't it just too much? You can't concentrate on the work in hand and you can't even wear those pretty black outfits just because of those scaly white flakes falling constantly on your shoulder from your hair! Dandruff is this much a nuisance to our life and to our health also (if we do not pay attention to dandruff treatment at the right time, it may lead to serious skin diseases).

Home Remedies to Treat Dandruff

1. Curd (dahi) with its acidic and conditioning properties helps fight dandruff. Health tip: Ferment a small amount of curd (enough to cover your scalp) for two days. Apply it and keep it for one hour. Wash it off with a mild shampoo. Do this at least twice a week.
2. Regular henna (mehndi) application has been followed for centuries and has been known for decreasing dandruff. It has curative as well as conditioning properties. Health tip: Mix henna, amla, tea powder, lemon juice in curd. Add a few drops of hair oil. Keep aside for 10-12hrs. Apply on your hair and leave it for an hour. Wash it off with a shampoo.
3. Aloe vera gel contains healing, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Health tip: Applying fresh aloe vera gel on the scalp is another way of keeping your dandruff at bay. Keep the gel on for 30 minutes. Wash your hair with an aloe vera based shampoo.
4. Fenugreek (methi) is a herb that is readily available in our kitchen. It has anti-fungal and scalp soothing properties. Health tip: Soak fenugreek seeds overnight in water and grind to a fine paste.  Apply this paste on the scalp for 30 to 45 minutes. Wash with a mild shampoo.
5. Gram flour (besan) is an effective cleansing agent. It removes the dirt and is handy for getting rid of dandruff. Health tip: Apply gram flour mixed with curd on your scalp. Rinse after 20-30 minutes.
6. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well, it can keep your dandruff away too! Health tip: It has anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Make a paste with equal quantities of apple and orange and apply it on the scalp. Wash your hair after 20-30 minutes with a shampoo.
7. Neem leaves with their anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties are highly effective in controlling dandruff. Health tip: Boil neem leaves in water and use this water to rinse hair.
8. Basil leaves (Tulsi) has been used since ages for its healing properties. Health tip: Make a paste of tulsi leaves and amla powder mixed with water. Massage on the scalp. Let it remain for half an hour. Wash the hair with water.
9. Fresh lime juice, your favorite summer drink doubles up as dandruff-basher as well. The acid in lime scrubs out the dead cells and helps cure dandruff. Health tip: Add a tablespoon of fresh lime juice in water in your last rinse when you wash your hair.
10. Ginger root and beetroot, two salient features of many a classic dishes can also do wonders for your hair!

Weight loss tips during pregnancy

It is said breast feeding the baby is the best way to lose weight- this is undoubtedly true. Also with herbal remedies to loose weight you need to make healthy food choices, eat well and need to work it out too.

Make healthy food choices
A healthy diet is the best way to lose your pregnancy kilos. Consult your doctor as to what foods are important for the continuing health of you and your baby. Focus on nutrition, rather than weight-loss diets! If you’re breastfeeding, your baby’s nutritional needs most certainly outweigh your need for a slim body. Include lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, whole grains and lots of water. Keep healthy snacks handy such as raisins, popcorn, wheat crackers, and nuts. Refuse to buy store-bought baked goods or junk food. Always avoid processed foods and sugar as much as possible. Weight loss of about a kilo in 2 weeks is safe and won’t affect your milk supply if you’re nursing.

Eat well!
Eating a healthy diet is step one to get back your pre-baby body. With a new baby and schedule, as a new mother it can be hard to find the time to eat. But skipping meals won’t help you lose weight. Many moms find that eating five to six small meals a day with healthy snacks in between (rather than three larger meals) fits their appetite and schedule better. A small meal might be half a sandwich, some carrot sticks, fruit, and a glass of milk.

Work it out!
There are plenty of benefits to exercising post-pregnancy. It helps you shed excess kilos, alleviate post-partum depression and unlike dieting it won’t affect your breastfeeding. However, you need to be cautious when you ease your way into exercising again.
So for starters, cut yourself some slack! Wait six weeks after a normal birth and eight weeks after a C-section to start exercising. Do some modified push-ups at home and go for a walk in the park with the baby to start off. Engage in low-impact exercises such as swimming or yoga. Make sure you’re losing fat instead of muscle. Start slow with a 10 minute routine and gradually extend it till a 30 minute session. Stop immediately if you start to feel dizzy or short of breath.

With these there are herbal home remedies also to reduce weight; certain extracts in nature have been such bestowed on us that they work miracles with the ailing human body after pregnancy at the same time reduce weight.  Moreover, these herbs and medicines will also help in producing more milk for improving lactation.

It is a common herb used primarily in Ayurvedic medicines. It has adaptogenic properties and in combination with other ingredients it hastens the process of weight loss. Ashwagandha can remove stress and improve our process of digestion. Apart from this, the Indian cherry Ashwagandha has strong antioxidant properties. It cleanses the body from free radicals and improves our metabolic rate. This is the primary cause why we lose more fat even if we carry on with our regular work.

Garlic too has various properties that improve the immune system, increases metabolic rate and decrease weight. This naturally occurring ingredient allicin has potential effect on weight loss and cholesterol. It is also helpful in reducing heart disease and helps in fighting cancer because it has strong antioxidants that repair cells in the body. All these affects are brought around by the ingredient that gives garlic the pungent flavour-allicin

Fennel seeds
Fennel seeds are used as mouth freshener but are you aware that these can save you from hunger pangs and input of extra calories! This is not a myth, fennel, which many of us like to eat after meals is antispasmodic, antimicrobial, decongestant, anti-carcinogenic and rich in fibre. Just eat fennel seeds for increasing your metabolism and burning additional fat. After pregnancy, it is natural to feel stressed and worn out. Fennels seeds may also improve your energy levels.

Honey too is capable of bringing noticeable changes in the mother’s body. For example if honey and luke warm water are consumed in the morning, in an empty stomach, it boosts the metabolic rate. Additionally it also increases the mobility of the cells of fat because of which fat is burnt, we feel more energetic and ready to start for the day.

Shatavari is used for making medicines for infertility. The name itself is synonymous with fertility –it means wife of hundred! It has also effects that boost the immune system of the mother’s body in the initial months. It improves lactation and hence the baby gets the required supply of milk and with more breastfeeding you can burn fat cells more. Apart from this its roots are a rich source of Folic acid, vitamin, zinc and calcium.

Ayurvedic massage for weight loss after pregnancy
Apart from using these above mentioned remedies Ayurvedic massage is also highly effective in weight loss after pregnancy. For postpartum treament in Shathayu Ayurveda toning massage is applied to the new mothers with Patrapinda sweda, medicated steam, warm oil and medicines.
Other special post pregnancy massage is for Abhyangam and it means giving whole body massage for 45 minutes with special herbal oil. After that, a special herbal bath is given with the warm water, roots of Bala and bark of Nalpamara. It helps a lot in losing weight and bringing the body back in shape.

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