Thursday, June 24, 2010

Natural remedy for Acidity

Acid reflux or heartburn, which is technically known as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), is a truly troubling condition. If you’re suffering from it, you already know how painful and uncomfortable it can be. But there are more reasons than just pain relief to seek home remedies for acid reflux. If you ignore the condition and choose to just live with the pain, your LES (lower esophageal sphincter) will become more and more damaged over time and eventually reach a point when repair will become difficult. The good news is that there are natural heartburn remedies that not only don’t require drugs; you can purchase them right at your local grocery or health food store! Here are four of these time-honored acid reflux natural treatments:


This healthy fruit is an excellent acid reflux natural remedy. It’ s loaded with an enzyme called papain that can help promote proper food digestion and hasten the muscle tissue renewal process. It also contains potassium, which provides a healthy bacterial setting for your intestines. Papaya is an important component of your acid reflux diet because it can also provide your daily supply of vitamin C. It’s best to eat the fruit itself, but there are also papain pills available at the health food store.

This lovely tiny/ fruit is a perfect natural treatment for a variety of illnesses and diseases, heartburn included. Cherries are rich in antioxidants, which can do a great deal to help heal the damage that acid reflux can do to the muscle tissues of your stomach. Apart from being rich in antioxidants, cherries are also great sources of vitamin C and potassium, and they can help promote proper digestion and restore the health of your stomach. You can either eat the cherries or drink cherry juice to get these healthful effects.
This root crop has been used in many cultures for generations because of its ability to soothe the stomach. As with papaya, there are supplements available that contain ginger as an active ingredient. But there’s still no substitute for the real thing. You can boil it and drink the juice, adding honey to taste, or simply chew on a small piece of the root. If you find either of those objectionable, try organic ginger candy or ginger tea.
Apple Cider Vinegar

Although it might seem strange to treat a painful condition like heartburn with an acid, there is anecdotal evidence that apple cider vinegar can be a beneficial treatment for acid reflux. Try taking 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 8 oz. of water and honey to taste with meals and before bed to see if that relieves your pain. Some people choose to add approximately 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda, to treat the mouth sores that sometimes result from the acid. Another method to address mouth sores is to just drink the apple cider less frequently until the sores heal.
Although these are safe food-based home remedies for acid reflux, you should carefully monitor how they work for you. The same can be said of anything you put in your body — no matter the source — because everybody is different. If one of these approaches doesn’t work, experiment with others until you find the solution that’s right for you. More...
Apple Cidar Vinegar

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