Home hair removal remedies
In places where you have sensitive skin, it inadvisable to use temporary methods like depilatory creams or waxing , so many use home remedies for hair removal. The effectiveness of these methods is not checked by scientific studies, but these methods have been used for centuries A) Make a paste of yogurt + besan (gram flour) + haldi (turmeric).
B) Rub the paste gently on the area with hair and leave it for 15-20 minutes till the paste is dried. Then rub the paste away in the direction opposite to the hair growth. Apply baby oil to soothe the skin
C) Instead of the besan + turmeric paste, turmeric alone can be applied but besan tightens the skin when dried. Yoghurt/curds can be substituted by milk. If you have oily skin, water or rose water should be used instead of curd and milk. To reduce yellowness of the skin, facial turmeric (Kasturi manjal or Gopuram Turmeric powder) should be used instead of food turmeric.The turmeric+besan paste method of hair removal has to be followed regularly for a period of a few months before it is effective. It is used on babies and small children as conventional hair removal methods are very harsh
Another variation of the paste
D) Ingredients: Haldi Powder - 1/4 Tablespoon, Papaya Powder 1/4 Tablespoon, Besan 1/4 Tablespoon, Mustard oil 2 Tablespoon, AloeVera Gel( Thin) 4 Tablespoon, Lavender or other Essential Oil 2 drops.The paste should be applied in the opposite direction to hair growth. Should be applied thrice a week for 3 months to be effective.
A lot of hair removal methods require the use of harsh chemicals, but there are some natural remedies for removing unwanted hair. Shaving and plucking can be considered natural remedies, so far as they do not require the use of chemicals. Here are some other natural remedies for body hair removal and facial hair removal.
E) Hair can be bleached with lemon juice and chamomile tea.
F) A rough stone (like a pumice stone) can be used to remove hair by causing friction.
G) Apply a mask of a paste made of sugar, lemon and water in the direction of hair growth. Rinse after 10-15 minutes. Apply twice a week.
H) Apply a mask of a mixture of 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice and 4 teaspoons honey in the direction of hair growth. Rinse after 10-15 minutes. Apply twice a week.
I) To turn hair golden brown, apply before bedtime a paste of 2 teaspoon fresh lime juice and ½ teaspoon sugar, 3-4 times a week for 2 months.
J) Mix turmeric powder with milk and apply on the face. Scrub it off slowly moving your fingers in circular motion, and then wash with cold water.
K) Blend one egg white with 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1/2 tablespoon of corn flour until it becomes a sticky paste. Apply the mixture to your face. When it dries gently peel it off. Repeat this 3-4 times a week.
L) For Legs hair removal, Mix well ground white pepper with camphor and a few drops of kerosene. Apply on the legs and leave for a 10-15 minutes. The hair will fall off.
M) Body hair removal Kind of Body Sugaring,Apply a besan (gram flour, chana flour) haldi turmeric powder paste. Take 75% besan and 25% haldi. i.e. for 3 tsp of besan mix 1 tsp of haldi. Both the ingredients are available from Indian grocery stores.After sometime when it starts to dry, scrub it off gently. This would gradually reduce body hair over a period of time.
N) Massage the baby with almond oil or any other oil.