Halitosis is the scientific term which is commonly known as bad breath, which is unarguably one of the most detrimental conditions to a person's personal and social progress. It is one of the most common dental problem in the world. More...
The main reasons for Bad breadth or rather( halitosis) and rather the trigger for bad breadth are ;
· Not eating breakfast.
· Mouth sores
· At times non oral parts such as upper and lower respiratory tracts, the gastrointestinal tract, and some diseases involving the kidneys may also be the reason.
· Poor dental hygiene,
· Tooth Infection, tooth decay, gum infection
· Plaque on the tongue can cause bad breath where bacteria can grow.
· Smoking and excessive used of alcohol based mouth refreshments.
· gastrointestinal disorders such as indigestion or stomach problems.
· Gum disease such as gingivitis
· Dehydration
· Drugs (Paraldehyde, inhaled anesthetics, insulin injection, etc.)
· Intestinal worms.
· Accumulation of food between teeth.
Remedy for Bad breath (Halitosis)
There are lot of home remedies and tips that may help you with bad breath(halitosis)
- All fruit and vegetable juices are beneficial in the treatment of halitosis and should be taken liberally by those suffering from this disorder. Juices from green vegetables are especially valuable.
- Chewing one clove after meals daily will help dealing with bad breath.
- Eat parsley to reduce bad breath.
- FOr more remedies click here
Other routine treatment for bad breath (Halitosis)
· Brushing teeth after every meal will prevent bad breath.
· Brushing and flossing teeth regularly can rid off bad breath.
· Drink water throughout the day.
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