Sunday, August 22, 2010

Know you vegatable - CARROTS


Deep within the soils of the earth grows a golden root that has amazed nutritionists and scientists alike in its powerful healing qualities. One 8 oz. glass of carrot juice contains 20,000 mg. of vitamin A. Toxicity can occur when vitamin A is taken in supplement form or fish oil, but is completely safe in the vegetable form. Vitamin A is an antioxidant that is able to attach to free radicals in the body, stopping them in their tracks. The damaging effect of free radicals has been associated with cancer.

Carrots are a natural blast of high energy. The sugars are released more quickly than from white sugar but without the harmful effects. A mug of carrot juice in the morning will give you a competitive edge over coffee drinkers. Like all root vegetables, they are packed with minerals. Carrots are rich in organic calcium that is invaluable to bones and teeth. Inorganic calcium is almost useless to the body. The calcium in milk and white bread is inorganic and known to cause arthritis and gallstones. Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin C, including most of the B complex, iron, potassium, phosphorus, and sodium.Carrots are easy to digest and cause the liver to release bile and excessive accumulated cholesterol. They also have an alkalizing effect on the blood, soothing the entire nervous system and toning intestinal walls.

Carrot juice is the best base for vegetable juice combinations. It is delicious, sweet and readily accepted by children. Our family can go through a 50 lb. bag every two weeks.

Carrot juice is considered the Golden Juice of Healing. Even drinking a few glasses a day has healed many infirmities without fasting. During fasting, its healing effect is increased. Carrot juice helps in cleansing the liver. Drinking large amounts may cause the harmless effect of a slight yellowish color of the skin. Skin will feel velvety soft. The beta carotene present in the skin is a natural protector for the common skin cancer, melanoma. It also assists in tanning, which hides some of the obvious effects of being on a long juice fast.Juicing two to five pounds of carrots a day is standard for juice fasting. Unless carrots are fresh, the juice tastes better if they are peeled. If you don’t have the time to peel them, put the carrots in the sink and scrub with a brush.In purchasing carrots for juicing, your local vegetable wholesaler can supply you with large juicing carrots in 50 lb. bags at an affordable price.

should be firm, smooth skinned, without cracks or small rootlets. The brighter the orange the sweeter the carrots. They will keep for weeks in the refrigerator and months in a root cellar.

TIP: Carrots can keep up to a year when stored in sand in a root cellar.

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