Sunday, August 22, 2010

Know your vegetable - BROCCOLI


Broccoli is a flower top picked before it blooms. It is dense in nutrition, full of beta carotene and an excellent source of fiber. Inexpensive and available all year round. It is full of vitamins B1 and C and has a generous amount of calcium, sulfur and potassium. Surprisingly, forty-five percent of calories in broccoli is protein. The National Cancer Institute discovered a substance called inderol-3 that emulsifies estrogen, reducing the risk of breast cancer in women. Broccoli is excellent when juiced, stems and all, but like all green vegetables, it should be mixed with lighter juices such as carrot or apple.

When buying broccoli, look for tight tops with no yellow, firm but not limp. Will store well for 5 days in the refrigerator.

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