Herbal Repellent Oil
1 part fresh pennyroyal
1 part fresh thyme
1/2 part fresh basil
1/2 part neem leaf (if available)
tea tree essential oil
citronella essential oil
olive oil
Pick your fresh herbs. Manually remove any dirt then set them in a sunny place until the herbs are wilted.
Using 1/4 cup as your part, measure 1/4 cup of pennyroyal and thyme, and 1/8 cup basil and neem leaf into a crock pot. Pour in enough olive oil to cover the herbs plus another inch of oil (approximately 1 cup). Turn the crock pot on low temperature and heat the herbs for about 3 hours. An alternative way to prepare your oil extraction is to place the herbs in a clear glass jar and set it in the sun for about five days. Shake it once or twice a day.
When you have finished heating your oil, strain your oil through a cheesecloth lined strainer. Squeeze out as much oil as possible. Measure out how much oil you now have. For each ounce of oil add 10 drops of citronella essential oil and 5 drops of tea tree oil.
Pour into lotion bottle and label.