A delicious crunchy finger food, great for dips. It is high in magnesium and iron. High in chlorophyll which is an excellent blood builder. One of the richest sources of organic sodium. This is excellent for those who enjoy vigorous workouts, maintaining valuable body fluid and electrolytes.
Celery juice is a superb nerve tonic. Celery juice alone tastes bitter and is usually mixed with carrots or apples. Great for adding a salty taste to vegetable juices.
Do you have a headache? Drink a glass of celery juice. Even the ancient Greeks used celery for the universal problem of headaches.
Do you live in the inner city full of air pollution? Celery apple juice is able to cleanse the body of carbon dioxide.
Were you thinking of buying an air conditioner? Celery juice cools down the body and is great for hot weather.
Are you on a diet and craving a snickers bar?Celery juice helps curb the craving for sweets.

Do you have a problem with muscle cramps and fatigue during workouts? The potassium sodium balance in celery juice will be a great asset.
Always keep celery leaves on. Leave celery until last when juicing because it is stringy and clogs the juice machine. Look for firm solid stocks with bright green leaves.